What Happens when ROOTS a Reggae Messiah meets a wise SCIFI Budha Blues man? Music to uplift and enlighten your spirit in a new and unique way?
We are happy to present to you SCI-FI ROOTS
Back Story
In the beginning, Alexis F and Dan Bowskill complained to have met in the 1930’s (they claim to have time-travelled of course) after mutually discovering a UFO in the Dales of Yorkshire. Upon reclaiming the vintage UFO as their own along came the 3rd member of the team, a pilot; Captain Zebby-Lion, a wise an virtuous dog.
Like a cartoon, the three venture the solar system in their tinpot UFO discovering new frequencies and musical Vibes to blow your heads sonically. The rest is crop circle history for all you Cheshire Cats. Be Warned, you will be entertained!
This was the beginning !
Since then, much has happened …..Roots Guru Dan Bowskill has flown off at the ship and relocated to his home planet while giving his blessings for Alexis and Seb to soldier on as SCI-FI ROOTS in new cosmic adventures to call their own .
Alex & Seb Aka SCI-FI ROOTS will soon unveil their next extra-terrestrial encounter with a featured artist they have had the pleasure to produce and write with. Lookout ! as they say